According to the World Health Organization, early detection of cancer greatly increases the chances for successful treatment. In the ongoing battle against cancer, it is common knowledge that most cancers in their early stages are far more likely to be treated with positive results. Moreover, a thorough checkup of one's physiological analyses, heredity review and personal data gathering (from blood & dna tests) are all strong info-gatherings for early warning signs that someone may be a candidate for cancer. PROACTIVE tasking starts from AWARENESS, EDUCATION & SCREENINGS. The right attitude of self-preservation and an appreciation for longevity is lesson #1. Pursuing a balanced lifestyle covering all the bases of nutrition, exercise, sleep, detoxing and de-stressing is also part of a life-plan of better living.
9/11 FIRST RESPONDER BECOMES PUBLIC ADVOCATE FOR CANCER PREVENTION AND SURVIVORSHIP Meet Mr. Sal Banchitta. Recently retired from “the job”, he continues to support the entire community of first responders as a health and wellness advocate and a public speaker about maintaining continued health checkups and a proactive approach to health, safety and wellness. Sal is an elected Senior Ambassador of the “GET CHECKED NOW!” program developed by the clinical leaders of AwarenessforaCure.org and is also one of the contributing writers of the 9/11 Survivor Stories Newsletter. (See his complete interview)
This program is a simple 5-step plan to keep cancer away- or increase the likelihood of beating cancer with the comprehensive Early Detection & Prevention plan. Bard Cancer Diagnostics has spent over 25 years treating and diagnosing patients whose issues range in severity from benign cases to complex and malignant. In each case, much can be done to prevent the current stage. The first step is to GET MORE FAMILIAR WITH YOURSELF.
• Be aware of your genetic lineage: risk of cancer increases upon heredity. The first place to look is within your own dna or family history. Many cancers tend to travel down generations. It can also have the tendency to skip one generation and appear in the next one.
• Periodic Checking of your body for any anomalies like lumps, bumps, discolored bruises or growths. Self-checking is the first base. Also stay on top of unusual feelings like frequent headaches, unique pains and strains- anything that feels out of the ordinary. Take nothing for granted when it comes to your body.
• Know your environment: Many health issues are known to be caused by environmental toxins. Where you sleep, eat and work could be affecting how you feel later. Some health hazards are fairly visible and apparent while others may need some historical research in your area where there may have been potential chemical wastes or spills in the past. If you know of such issues, further research, demographic studies, protective measures and targeted checkups may be your next step.
Smart Searching of the Digital Library
By now, a simple GOOGLE search can bring you hundreds upon thousands of pages of free information about cancer. It is actually known to be one of the most searched topics on the internet. Because of this, raising your level of understanding empowers you to actively pursue every course of action- from prevention and health programs, nutrition, self diagnostic how-to's, types of cancers etc.
• How to search: Because of the expansive nature of the web & the seemingly endless content available about cancer, SEARCH has become a honed craft and a skill to help you stay focused and get exactly what you need. Think of using the proper keywords to bring out the exact answers you're looking for. (see NIH for Cancer Resesarch info)
• Credible sources: To get the first-base understanding of the technical background on cancer, we recommend to start at the TOP of the library- the DOT-ORGS and the DOT-GOVS. These are where all content are heavily screened by medical authorities committed to publishing factual science and proven knowledge about all topics pertaining to diseases. Websites and locations such as WebMD.com, The National Institutes of health (NIH), the National Cancer Institute (NCI), Medline Plus, (NFCR) The National Foundation for Cancer Research (NFCR) and The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are some expansive resources that cover excellent bases of clinical study. (TBC)
We are fortunate to be at the age in medicine and clinical technology where innovations in identifying disorders and the severity of any tumors are within our reach. Using state-of-the-art equipment, Dr. Robert Bard offers unique forms of sonography to evaluate blood flow related to tumor activity and to identify areas of suspicion. More tumor vessels signifies more aggressive disease. 3D analysis is non-invasive and rapid with results available to the patient during the visit. Patients in need of reassurance and world class imaging come from all countries for cancers of the prostate, breast, skin, thyroid and melanoma. (See: Modern Diagnostic Science)
3D imaging can establish the diagnosis during the examination as you see the pictures in front of you. The science of non invasive image guided treatments in many cancers allow optimizing minimally invasive procedures to limit damage to tissue adjacent to the tumor by 3D tumor margin mapping. Analysis of tumor spread may be performed using tiny needles instead of major surgery. (See: Advances in Image-Guided Oncologic Treatment)

For complete details on digital diagnostic technologies of cancers, visit: www.bardcancerdiagnostics.com |
BREAST CANCER SCREENING The current standard in screening for breast cancer is mammography. However, this imaging tool misses some breast tumors, especially in women with dense breasts. Published data suggests that sonography can play an important role in detecting tumors that mammography misses. In fact, over 94% of cancers seen only on ultrasound were invasive tumors with average size of 10 mm, and in the studies where staging was detailed, 91% were node negative, meaning it had not spread and complete cure was possible due to early detection.
Power Doppler Sonography adds increased accuracy to breast imaging evaluation over ordinary ultrasound because it shows higher blood flow speeds, often a sign of cancerous activity in the breast. Studies have shown that suspicious blood flow identified by pre-surgery Power Doppler scans corresponds very well with the size, location and aggression of actual tumors that are then surgically removed. Thus, Power Doppler brings an important clinical dimension to breast cancer detection. 3D sonography clearly shows tumor margins and 3D Doppler affords an index of cancer aggression and metastatic potential. (SEE COMPLETE DETAILS) |
According to the Surgeon General at the US Dept. of Heath & Human Services, the "seven Priorities are designed to improve health and wellness for the entire U.S. population, including those groups disproportionately affected by disease and injury." • Tobacco Free Living • Preventing Drug Abuse and Excessive Alcohol Use • Healthy Eating • Active Living • Injury and Violence Free Living • Reproductive and Sexual Health • Mental and Emotional Well-Being
By pursuing a lifestyle of LONGEVITY and WELLNESS, you are paving the way for a well-balanced, pain-free life. Further studies including data from the CDC have continually helped to drive Americans to think 'better health' as the national mortality statistics continue to prevail. The 5 leading causes (66% of all deaths)-- Heart Disease: 27%. Cancer: 23%. Chronic lower respiratory disease: 6%. Stroke: 5%. Unintentional injuries" 5%.
CANCER PREVENTION can be closely aligned with EARLY DETECTION. But from the perspective of a lifestyle upgrade, it is greatly proven that smart nutrition, toxin prevention (smoking, alcohol, drug abuse control), Stress management and Immune system support are all main ingredients to the prevention of cancers. These same protocols, for those who recently underwent cancer treatment, are what medical experts and wellness professionals prescribe to STAY IN REMISSION.
As of Jan '18, Dr. Robert Bard spearheaded a partnership with a host of cancer educators, medical practitioners and non-profit foundations (allied under AwarenessforaCure.org) to form a public resource program
to aid in the advancement of the public's understanding about self-preservation
from cancer and other chronic diseases. EARLY DETECTION & PREVENTION is a global health movement that promotes a higher regard for "clean living" - from toxins and a toxic lifestyle. Our program consists of four main efforts: EDUCATION, COMMUNITY CONNECTION, CURRENT NEWS & CLINICAL RESOURCES. EARLY DETECTION & PREVENTION brings the empowerment of wellness through group seminars, videos
and the distribution of current articles & newsletters published/shared to all the major cancer charities and their
For more information or to subscribe to our EARLY CANCER DETECTION & PREVENTION PROGRAM newsletter, contact Bard Cancer Diagnostics
today at: 212.355.7017 - or email us at: bardcancercenter1@gmail.com


Click HERE for complete details
This blogsite is a publication of Dr. Robert Bard's articles pertaining to cancer diagnostics and his many
experiences pertaining to identifying cancers through current innovations and procedures.
Copyright © 2018- Bard Diagnostic Publishing. All Rights Reserved. |